YblCBE 2023

'The Potential of Challenge, Value in Change'

During the last few years, humanity has been facing multiple challenges: pandemic hindered our personal contacts, a deepening crisis made us rethink our energy usage fundamentally, while the ever-growing threat of climate change is already showing its impact on our everyday life.
There is a call for change accommodating the ideas of architects, civil engineers, and practitioners form every field of engineering to rethink their methods, to find urgent and improved answers for new challenges.
However, change can be beneficial by exploring new ways, methods, technologies, and solutions, which can be a foundation for a sustainable future.

Date and place:
The conference will take place on 12 May, 2023, in Budapest, Hungary.

Óbuda University Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering (1146 Budapest, Thököly út 74.)

Institute of Architecture, Óbuda University Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Budapest)

Official languages of the conference are English and Hungarian. Abstracts, posters, studies and presentations are accepted in English or Hungarian.


  • Ybl Journal of Built Environment (English studies, Open-access, indexed in multiple databases through Scimago).
  • Magyar Építőipar, Magyar Építőművészet (Hungarian studies)
  • All submissions to the conference will be blind peer reviewed by two competent reviewers.

    Participation is free of charge for authors and listeners as well, but registration is required.

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