General info

Conference day:
16 May, 2025
Obuda University Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering (74 Thököly street, District 14, 1146 Budapest)

Organized by:
Institute of Architecture, Obuda University Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering

English or Hungarian

Topics include but not limited to:
- Climate-adaptive architectural solutions 
- Environmentally conscious urban planning
- Sustainable urban infrastructure
- Innovative construction materials and technologies
- Sustainable architecture,  ESG Building and urban energy
- Recycling and circular economy in construction
- Sustainable management of cultural heritage
- Parametric and AI architecture for sustainability
- New methods in the construction industry education of the future generation
- ÉDT-DI introduction - doctoral student section
- Environmentally conscious design

Conference participation is free of charge, only registration required. LINK

Scientific Committee

Head of committee:
Prof. Klein Rudolf

Members of committee:
Dr. Nagy Gergely
Dr. Zuh Deodáth
Dr. habil Fehérvári Sándor
Jahoda Róbert

Prof. Dr. Csontos Györgyi
Botzheim Bálint
Prof. Kiss Gyula
Janurikné Dr. Soltész Erika
Prof. Kistelegdi István
Cseh Zsolt
Dr. Macsinka Klára